Who's Laughing Now ?

This isn't a pop at West Ham fans, but pint-sized ex-hit man Tony Cottee, the man who almost finished Barnet football club by guiding them to relegation into the Conference. Which isn't a crime in itself, it's just that one time I saw this referenced on Soccer Saturday, he laughed. He actually laughed. What a cunt. Well who's laughing now TC ? You might not have cared a toss about the club who gave you a shot at management only to be royally fucked by your incompetence, but gor blimey when those lovaduck 'ammers are in the apples and pears, or something, that's not so fucking funny is it ?
Meanwhile hats off to the West Ham fans who organised the following petition : "Given the lack of effort and despicable attitude shown by the majority of the West Ham squad this season, we the undersigned request that Hammer of the Year for this season is abandoned."
Quite right too. Interesting fact for you : at the Eisteddfodd in Wales, which is the sort of Druid's convention they have, the Elders have within their remit the power to say "Nope, you all suck. No one's getting the prize this year". If only it were so in other walks of life.
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