Despite His White Boots

Football, football, football and, if the mood takes me, more football.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I Prefer Extortion - The X Makes It Sound Sexy

As predicted, the council election results boded ill for Barnet. Here's the story. Salient extract is :

"Chairman Tony Kleanthous has been set a series of conditions by the local council to continue to use a road at the side of the ground for traffic. Without the access the road provides, Underhill no longer meets Football League ground criteria. The club have to tell the League where they will play home games next season by next week's deadline. The council have asked the club to pay £100,000, provide a covenant never to build on Underhill and pay maintenance costs on the road."

In any other walk of life, this would be called blackmail. Or, as the title suggests, extortion, which sounds sexier. Fortunately the Council leader has just been ousted, hopefully blubbing in the style of Mrs Thatch or that charming man who runs Juventus, and maybe the club can deal with someone sane who might appreciate what they do for the community.


  • At 6:00 PM, Blogger Fred Titmus said…

    What they should do, in the interests of democracy, is to have a borough-wide poll, with this issue at the forefront, then we'd know what the good burghers of Barnet truly want.

    Oh, wait...

  • At 6:19 PM, Blogger Andy_Ward said…

    Yes I know.

    Stupid democracy .. it'll never work.



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